Everyone talks about the modern ways of traveling: nice cars, direct flights, transfers, luxury boats and so on… But most people forget about some very important detail during their trips – the border’s crossing! And even if they use the modern ways of traveling we have mentioned above, without fast crossing the border (passing the customs check), they wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy their trips and time with the family or friends as well! – Yes, it sounds a little bit pessimistic, but this is the true and you have to be aware that it is not enough you to only have a luxury car to travel really pleasant. You need something else – a NEXUS pass-card…
Travels between Canada and the U.S. are very, very popular because of the locations of these gorgeous countries. As you know, they are quite close to each other and because of this, to get there for you will be very easy task. – Unless if you must wait for hours on the border… If in fact you have to, your trips may be not as fast and comfortable as you have been thinking before to hit the road. But you can avoid the lines, as well as the slow moving in front of the kiosks for a customs check by using a special card. – The Nexus card!
When traveling with your family, friends or alone, you have to bring many documents that are different depending on how you have chosen to move: by car, by boat or by air. But there is one document that is valid for all kinds of movements and which you will be able to use independently from your decision regarding the transport…
Apply for NEXUS card if you do not have it and enjoy the trip! See that everything is much easier only if you become an owner of this amazing card. Make sure that the NEXUS program works for YOU – the citizens of the U.S. and Canada. Be one of the travelers who do know what it’s like to wait for hours on the lines for a customs check and who are not aware of the syndrome “nervous passenger”!
If you want to be a modern traveler, fill-in the application form for getting a NEXUS card and send it by email, as after that you have to follow two steps more that will take you to the final – the receiving of approval and respectively your NEXUS card! Enjoy it!